OK... so I messed up a little in making this tag...
It's on a white background! LOL
I was having computer problems when I made it
and I lost it before I could make one with a black background
but at least this one was saved.
LOL @ it happens!
Trying to sort through boxes has been a challenge.
I had been sleeping on the floor for a few nights
because I didn't want to interrupt the work I started.
I was able to move the bed yesterday, though,
and last night was the first night
that I slept in my bed with my head in the South.
I don't know how good that is for prosperity,
but according to Feng Shui,
it is good for people who have bad health,
so it is worth a try.
It felt kind of strange to sleep this way.
It took me awhile to fall asleep,
but after I woke up this morning
and dressed the bed,
I think I am going to like it...
I started the day in prayer
and made myself a good breakfast,
however humble!
LOL @ my imitation grapefruit juice
(Crystal Lite grapefruit)...
all of the flavor and none of the nutrition!
But it is soooooo good
and cheaper than buying real juice
so I trick my mind to think that I have money. LOL
I started out to make my "to do" list
and God laughed at me again...
The phone didn't ring yesterday,
but I thought I would check it anyway...
I have another interview on Friday
except that I will not have to get dressed for it,
because it will be by telephone.
Now that is awesome!
That means that I will have to go
to the employment center today,
because there are some things
that I have to fax to them before the interview.
OMG @ I have to keep checking what day it is!
Thank you, Lord, for changing my plans. LOL