Monday, August 17, 2009

Drama Queen


I woke up full of anxiety this morning & prayed all the way to work (an hour's worth of prayer)! I hate it when I feel like that, because it usually means that something is happening or is going to happen... I reunited three families, so I had three cases to close. They scattered all of my kids again. Oooo, I hate that! But thank God, I survived my Monday...

Am I moving too fast for ya? I only got 3 comments on my last entry. LOL...

No, Danielle, I was not able to do anything with that link for the ice cream kit. I had to make my own tubes. LOL @ it happens... MORE work! Grrr...

LOL at Terri wanting to borrow my Lucky Black Shirt... It's just a plain shirt, but it was also the shirt I wore when the 23-year-old guy with the HOT body hit on me. I hope it never wears out. LOL



Coelha :B said...

I've been behind reading the blogs! I hate Mondays..I hope you survived yours! :)

Senorita said...

Nice graphics.......

Your workdays sound stressful, yet productive.

Dannelle said...

Three families to reunite is a beautiful (I hope) accomplishment!
Sorry we can't get your rar. winzip, whatever !!! to work. Love you and happy Tuesday!

Robin said...

Hey, dear. It's just harder for me to get TO the blogs. Haven't been working for over 9 weeks now (crisis there and I could be let go so just praying and working hard on that not happening, a maybe backup job in the works, but....), and I don't like to get on blogs while at my boyfriends (I won't bookmark them here)....
So, did God respond, cuz it sounds like THREE reunited families is a great thing, albeit not sure about the scattered about kids thing.
You've always pulled through before (as have I); we will make it, God is with us:)

Melissa said...

sorry u had anxiety today. i hate feeling that way too. love that tag, can u make me one

Missie said...

Great tag! Have a good Friday.

kanishk said...

Your workdays sound stressful, yet productive.
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