Tuesday, December 29, 2009

-=-Happy Bunny-=-

Happy Bunny

I know it is not the end of the year yet, but I am so ready for 2009 to walk out the door... Looking for work this time around is no different than last time: My biggest weakness is that I do not have a social work license and my degree is in Criminal Justice instead of Social Work. 

I cannot believe that I have already been unemployed for two weeks. I turned in my first job search report to the employment office, and I received a phone call from somebody who will be checking my progress every two weeks, but I still do not know if I will receive unemployment benefits. Plans for today are to go to the employment office to refresh my Resume and to apply for some leads I found on the Web, pick up the little pamphlet of weekly classified ads at the Library, and run some errands.

According to the free Tarot readings on the web, I'm spinning my wheels, because at the moment, there is no hope for me to find a job. Wonder if my ex-employer is already talking bad about me.



Fireblossom said...

I love Happy Bunny! I have a small book for keeping phone numbers that I carry in my purse, and it has Happy Bunny on it. He is saying "Give me your number! (as if I'd really call you)."

I would use your knowledge of criminal justice to bear in having the tarot reader hauled before a judge. What a quack.

Senorita said...

Those free tarot readings are crap !

I pray that you find a job soon, and hope things get better.

Happy Being Me said...

Everyone needs one of your Happy Bunny's to follow them through the New Year! Hoping your everyday from here on out treats you well. Happy New Year my friend,

Winivere said...

LOL @ Fireblossom's comment on tarot reader. Could be bad timing because the moon is almost full.

Sybil said...

Well Win. I am sure you are more sensible than to believe...really believe any of these daft tarot readings....well we might all have a sneak look but know deep down that our lives are really in our hands hard though that may be to admit. You certainly have had an up and down year 2o09 so fingers crossed ( another daft thing to do LOL) that 2010 will be a truly good year for you whantever turns up...
Much LOve Sybil x

Shelly said...

Hello my sweet friend. Ignore that tarot reading. 2010 is going to be the best for you. : ) Happy New Year!! Love ya!

Winivere said...

LOL SILLY GIRLZ! I only believe Tarot when it tells me something fantastic. LOL

Missie said...

I love the bunny! Happy New Year!