Once again, I have been given a Second Chance at Life... an opportunity to make my life better, perhaps?
Makes sad not to include any of my Valentine graphics, so I pulled this one out of the woodwork. =.) I started to write this post so I will continue with it here, although the graphic might not match. LOL...
This year's New Year's resolutions are not much different from last year's: to make money at an honorable job with not-as-much-stress. Yes @ I found a job last year but it was too demanding and stressful so I am back to job searching. Unfortunately, all the jobs that I applied for in years past were probably written with a permanent marker, because they continue to be there year after year and are still there today and will probably be there tomorrow as well. The only thing that has changed is that there are more questions on the applications and more documents to include... I suppose the only reason why they do not ask for your Bra Size is because it would discriminate against men; but they want to know everything about you, and I mean EVERYTHING... marriages and divorces, where you have lived for the past 10 years, all the jobs you have had since age 16, etc., etc., etc. It used to be that I would only do job searches in the mornings and leave the afternoon open for interviews, personal time, errands, or housework. Job search is no longer like that. Now it is a full-time job just to look for work. Still, it is another opportunity to find something better... but where are the better jobs at?... inquiring minds want to know.
The second New Year's goal: CUERPAZO. Yes to the same stupid goal most of us make: to lose the weight. On January 1st, I told myself: This has to be the last year that you put losing weight on your New Year's list. What were you thinking when you gained back the weight over yet another bad breakup?!... OMG at third New Year's goal interrupting second New Year's goal?!! ~ OMG at more about that later...
Ah-hem... as I was saying before I rudely interruped myself... It was on January 1st that I decided on a plan to lose the weight for the last time by eating what I want but not eating as much and not eating past 7:00 p.m. I figured that even if it takes me all year, even if it is slow to become a reality, it is still a plan. As luck would have it, a couple of days ago, I noticed that my pants were fitting loser. I told myself that it was probably just the elastic wearing down, but just for fun, I decided to measure myself. When I put the tape measure around my waist, there was the proof. I lost three inches from my waist! How was this possible? No exercise, no change in diet except not eating as much and not eating after 7:00 p.m. I ate pizza, bread, tortillas, sugar, even cake.... How could this be? Still trying to convince myself that it wasn't true, I took out the scale to meet the next challenge. OMG @ YES to additional proof of 25 lbs lost since January 1st! How many days is that? I am tempted to get out a calendar, because I still do not believe it: It is 51 days. Time will tell where the next 51 days leads me...
Back to goal number three... to find a boyfriend. I am ok with this goal, because I do not plan for him to become a husband... least not yet, anyway. I don't know why this one is even on the list, because almost all of the relationships with men in my life have been fiascos, but what is common with all of them is that I did not do the choosing. I chose to accept the relationship, but they were not men that I chose. Could that be the reason why? Am I just too timid to make my move? It seems so much easier to accept or not accedpt if a man approches a woman first. A couple of weeks ago, I was curious about what it would be like to put in an ad, so I answered an ad. The man wasn't what I would like in a boyfriend, but he was kind enough to answer my questions. On a recent trip to the Library, I ran into a man I had seen in the Library last year. I do not know anything personal about this man, except that he seemed excited to know that I am single. Only time will tell if it leads to anything or not.
"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us." ~ Ashley Montagu